The overriding reason most people come to us is that managing significant assets simply requires more attention. There is often much more at stake if important details are overlooked.

It’s true whether we are talking to wealthy families or individuals with successful businesses, practices and careers, those who have received windfalls from an inheritance or business sale, or even institutional clients such as company retirement plans or church foundations.

Many of our clients are approaching retirement and have multiple accounts, trusts and insurance policies scattered among different places. They have come to the realization it’s time to tie together all of the loose ends and have a cohesive financial picture for moving forward. Those clients who are already retired want someone qualified to help keep a close eye on their financial matters so they can enjoy their well-earned lifestyle.

In some cases, we serve several generations in single families. In addition, we serve independent women who are divorced, widowed or otherwise single and are glad to work with an advisory team that addresses their unique concerns.

“We help bring clarity to complex financial situations through transparent, tax-efficient wealth planning guided by your unique goals.”